Jaw Cysts
Jaw cyst is a type of tumor that tends to develop slowly and can occur in many people as a result of routine examinations.
Some may appear infected, be painful, and pose a threat to nearby teeth. For these reasons, they may need to be removed. The cyst may not be a problem for the person throughout his/her life. However, it can become very painful if infected. In some cases, a cyst can become so large that it can cause the jawbone to break.
How is Jaw Cyst Treated?
Jaw cyst treatments are usually performed under local anesthesia. In these cases, it is possible to be discharged on the same day. However, if the cyst is large, general anesthesia is preferred. The purpose of consultation, which is made before the treatment, is to learn the patient's medical record, symptoms and concerns if any. At this stage, blood tests can be taken together with an examination.
The procedure usually takes an average of one hour. The cyst is removed with a small incision through the mouth and the cavity is cleaned then. If the cyst is very large and damaged, the surgeon may also remove some teeth and part of the jawbone. The cyst is sent to a pathologist for analysis once taken.
How Can Jaw Cysts Be Diagnosed?
Check-ups and x-rays usually show developing cysts. Besides that, severe pain and swelling in the jaw, as well as tooth infections in a part of the jaw, are among the physical symptoms of a jaw cyst.
Process After Jaw Cysts Treatment
The patient who is treated for a jaw cyst can usually be discharged on the same day. If general anesthesia has been given, the patient is sent to a private room after surgery and is kept under medical observation. This can be ended according to the patient's rest, recovery, and the surgeon's decision.
Jaw pain may occur after surgery. In addition, there may be temporary bruising and swelling. The surgeon prescribes pain medication for these conditions. The patient should not rinse his mouth for 24 hours after the operation. After the first day, a mild mouthwash can be done with salt water. The patient should be careful while brushing her/his teeth during recovery.
Usually, the cause of jaw cysts is not known exactly. However, in some cases, they are linked with gene changes or syndromes.
Cysts can be noticed as a lump on the chin. They have a soft texture but can be painful when touched.
While some cysts are harmless, in some cases they can cause various problems if not to be treated.