Sinus Lifting and Alveol Bone Operation

Sinus lift surgery, also known as sinus augmentation, involves surgery that facilitates the placement of dental implants.

People who need dental implants sometimes do not have the necessary supportive bone for the implants due to excessive bone loss. Sinus lifting increases the amount of bone in the upper jaw by adding bone to the space between the molars and premolars. The sinus membrane needs to be moved upward or "lifted" to make space for the bone. The surgery takes its name from this process. Sinus lift is usually performed with oral and maxillofacial surgery or through a specialty such as a periodontist.


Sinus Lift Surgery: Procedure

Procedures performed during sinus lifting surgery:

  • The surgeon cuts the gum texture.

  • The tissue is removed, revealing the underlying bone.
  • The surgeon makes a small, circular incision in the bone.
  • The surgeon lifts the bone fragment into the sinus cavity and fills the hole with a bone graft.
  • The surgeon closes the incision.
  • Healing begins.

About 5 months to 12 months after sinus lift surgery, the dentist will place the implants. This time is necessary for the new bone to adapt with the existing bone in a healthy way. The time between surgery and placement of the implants depends on how much bone is needed. The dentist informs the patient when to place the implants.



Sinus Lifting: Candidates

In the examinations performed by the dentist, people who do not have sufficient bone height in the upper jaw or whose sinuses are too close to the jaw may prefer sinus lift surgery. It is also often wondered what causes bone loss. Some reasons include:

  • Periodontal gum disease,
  • Tooth loss in the upper jaw,
  • Reabsorption of bone after tooth loss.



Sinus Lift Surgery: Recovery

Some discomfort may be felt after sinus lift surgery. There may be slight swelling. In the first days after the operation, slight bleeding from the nose or mouth may also be experienced.

It is important to try not to blow or sneeze frequently after the procedure. Since sneezing is difficult to control, things that cause sneezing can be avoided. Sneezing and blowing can cause the bone graft to move and the sutures to loosen.

Here are some of the instructions the dentist gives to the patient to follow:

  • Salt water spray to keep the nose moist
  • Medicines to prevent congestion and inflammation
  • Painkillers
  • Antibiotics
  • Mouthwash to prevent infection

Approximately 10 days after the operation, a check-up is made with the dentist. During this appointment, the specialist examines the treated area and removes the undissolved stitches.

As with any surgical operation, there are some risks with sinus lift surgery. Infection, sinus membrane damage, bone graft incompatibility are the main ones. However, they are rarely seen.

Sinus lift surgery is an operation that takes an average of 50 minutes under local anesthesia. If there is sufficient bone support, implants can be placed in the same session. In this case, the time may take up to 15-20 minutes.

It is not dangerous under the guidance of an expert dentist. In this way, the jawbone can be strengthened and the chance for the implant may increase. 

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