Revisional Bariatric Surgery

Bariatric revision surgery or revisional bariatric surgery, as the name suggests, is a procedure performed when previous bariatric surgery has not been successful.

In general, bariatric surgeries have a high success ratio. However, in some cases, the results may not be as well as desired. This is where revisional bariatric surgery comes into play.


Revisional Bariatric Surgery: Candidates

Some of the patients who have had bariatric surgery before may have moved away from their goals over time. In addition, complications or side effects may have occurred. Revisional bariatric surgery is generally considered appropriate for patients with the following conditions:

  • Gained weight after bariatric surgery,
  • Gastric bands are displaced,
  • Gastric band ports are displaced,
  • Stomach enlarged,
  • Having reflux disease (GERD)
  • Having swallowing problems.

In the consultation between the surgeon and the patient, the patient's medical record, expectations, and whole process are planned. Some endoscopic and manometric examinations are also performed at this step.



Revisional Bariatric Surgery: Procedures

With the developing technology, today there are all kinds of minimally invasive revision surgeries that are counted as precursors. Patients may also prefer procedures with faster recovery times. Listed below are several different revisional bariatric surgery procedures.

  • Roux-En-Y gastric bypass revision: Intestinal bypass is increased while gastric volume is reduced.
  • Gastric sleeve revision: The gastric sleeve is renewed and replaced with a duodenal switch.
  • Removal of a gastric band: It is rarely used.



Revisional Bariatric Surgery: Recovery Period

Recovery time after the endoscopic procedure in revisional surgery is short. Usually, the patient is discharged a few hours after the operation and can return home. The majority of patients can return to work after resting for a few days.

As in bariatric surgery, one of the most important issues after a revision surgery is nutrition. The patient can be expected to make fundamental changes in her/his lifestyle. A high-protein diet can be applied to support tissues while healing and minimize muscle loss.

According to studies, approximately 40% of patients need revisional surgery after bariatric surgery. While this rate is higher in the gastric band procedure, the need for revisional surgery is seen less in the vertical band gastroplasty procedure.

The duration of the revision surgery procedure takes an average of 40 minutes under anesthesia or sedation.

It is known that the only focus of revisional surgery is not weight loss. Even if the patient's weight loss rate slows down, it is seen at such a small rate that it is not noticed.

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