Impacted Tooth Treatment
Impacted tooth is a term used for teeth that cannot break open the gum. In some cases tooth could be partially impacted, already starting to erupt.
Impacted teeth usually do not have distinct symptoms and could be diagnosed after a routine x-ray check-up.
During infancy teeth start to erupt. This phase repeats after the permanent teeth take their place. A tooth is considered impacted if it cannot erupt or is partially erupted. The condition is most commonly seen with wisdom teeth. Wisdom teeth are the last teeth to erupt. They usually erupt between the ages 18 to 20, yet it varies from person to person.
How Is Impacted Tooth Identified?
A fully impacted tooth might show no symptoms and go unnoticed. Symptoms of a partially impacted tooth are as follows:
- Foul breath,
- Jaw pain over mouth opening,
- Sensitive gums,
- Lingering jaw pain and headache,
- Reddened and swollen gums,
- Unpleasant taste around the impacted tooth.
How Is Impacted Tooth Treated?
If an impacted tooth is not causing a problem, treatment might not be necessary. If impacted tooth is in an optimal position, orthodontic braces might be recommended.
If impacted tooth causes pain or any other problem, dentist might recommend surgical extraction. In case impacted tooth has a negative effect on the other teeth, extraction also might be necessary.
Surgical tooth extraction is usually operated under local anaesthesia and is an ambulatory treatment. Patient can be discharged afte the operation. Procedure takes approximately one hour, depending on the tooth's condition. Recovery would take approximately ten days. However, patients can return to their normal life a few days after the extraction.
Which Teeth Could be Impacted?
Impacted teeth are usually the latest erupting wisdom teeth. As the growing of jaw comes to an end, wisdom teeth, also known as third molar teeth, erupt. Certain mouth and jaw structures might not be suited to them.
Generally, extracting wisdom teeth before the age of 20 instead of waiting out gives better results, because by that age tooth roots aren't developed fully. In such cases extraction and healing process is relatively easier.
Wisdom teeth are mostly not needed, therefore when they cause a problem they would be extracted. It is more likely for people with smaller jaws to have impacted teeth.
During childhood, impacted teeth do not erupt even if they have suitable space. For people over 40 years old, the tooth would likely remain inside.
The area is anaesthetized before operation, therefore patients do not feel any pain.
An impacted tooth may cause cavities to the surrounding healthy teeth. Moreover, if not monitored properly, their growth may distort jaw structure.