FUE Technique

Hair transplantation with the FUE technique is the transfer of hair follicles taken from a donor area to another thinned area in the same person.

It has been preferred among hair treatments for a long time and maintains its importance. It has a less invasive procedure. It is one of the main reasons for its popularity. In this way, scars and suture marks are not seen after the transplantation.


How is Hair Transplant Performed with the FUE Technique?

In hair transplantation with the FUE technique, the nape or sides of the head are usually chosen as the donor area. The reason is that hair loss is rare in these areas. Before the procedure, the surgeon determines the front hairline due to the patient's will.

The donor area is shaved and anesthetized. Hair follicles are collected one by one with the special FUE motor. Then the channel opening step comes for hair transplantation. The hair is transferred to the balding areas with injections that have very tiny steel tips. With this feature, the procedure time is longer than FUT, which is another hair transplant method. However, the lack of invasive provides a significant advantage in terms of recovery. The entire FUE treatment can take approximately 8 hours.



FUE Hair Transplantation: Candidates

Hair transplantation with the FUE technique can be applied to anyone over the age of 18 who has hair loss. It is important that candidates do not have a pre-existing skin issue, which may affect treatment. Although it is a more common treatment among men, women with "male pattern hair loss" can also benefit from the FUE hair transplant technique.




Post-FUE Hair Transplant Process

In the pre-treatment consultation, the patient is informed about the treatment and the whole process. The instructions are given by the specialist play a decisive role in the healing process.

After the procedure is over, the dressing is applied to the patient. If necessary, the transplanted area can be bandaged. This dressing should not be removed for 2 days. For about 2 weeks, the treatment site should not contact with water. The channels opened for hair transplantation may become crusted. The crusts begin to fall off within 10 days. This stage is followed by the "shock loss" stage 1-2 months later. There is no need to fear, it is normal and temporary, and gradually slows down and stops. It is expected that most of the permanent hairs will have grown in the 6th month and that the whole hair will have grown within 1 year.

Some side effects that can be seen in other treatments that include injection in their procedure are also seen in FUE hair transplant treatment. Bleeding, swelling, and bruising are the main ones.

In FUE hair transplantation, the donor area and transplanted site are anesthetized. Therefore, no pain or sensitivity is felt during the procedure.

It is difficult to say an exact price for this treatment. Because the price may vary depending on the size of the transplanted area and the number of hair follicles.

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